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Home > Wheel Choices

Wheel Choices

AUTHOR : Date : 3/20/2013 4:22:05 AM

As a general rule, hard tread wheels perform better on soft or smooth floors and soft tread wheels roll better on hard or rough floors including outdoor surfaces. When choosing a wheel type, take into consideration all special floor conditions– tracks, gutters, grates, sills, elevator thresholds, seams and dock plates. The larger and softer the wheel, the greater the ability to roll over rails and similar obstacles.

      To protect floors from damage, choose softer cushion tread wheels. Solid Cushion Rubber, Advantage ™ TPR (thermoplastic rubber), High Modulus Rubber and Pneumatic Rubber wheels will provide quiet operation and maximum floor protection. Steel and Cast Iron wheels are not recommended for floor protection, but they are well suited for industrial applications.

      Polyurethane wheels like cast iron polyurethane wheels are frequently an effective compromise giving moderate floor protection with greater load capacity.